Saturday, August 10, 2019

Kohlbergs Moral Stage Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Kohlbergs Moral Stage Theory - Essay Example An examination of â€Å"developing structures† through which an individual makes moral judgments will enable us to understand moral development (p.54). I agree with Kohlberg’s Moral Stage Theory, and judging by its tenets of moral development I will place myself at Stage 5. At this stage, the sense of morality in me has bloomed to its full development, where I have attained the constructs of â€Å"social contract† and â€Å"legalistic orientation† and I perceive right action in terms of the alignment of citizens’ right with the behavioural standards as prescribed by the society (p.55). Through my education as well as insights from personal experience, at this stage, I, have been able to obtain necessary awareness of the â€Å"relativism of personal values and opinions† and the need to adhere to relevant rules before a specific action (p.55). Thus, when I take an action, I do not merely consider the legal aspects when deciding its propriety bu t also the rights of others as well as the impacts of my action on them, though it may not legally violate their rights. As a person involved in the study of criminal justice, I also have understood that I must be â€Å"especially sensitive† towards ethics in my personal and academic life as well as professional life in future (Pollock, 2011, p.4). In this context, law enforcement officers are endowed with a lot of power and if they use it indiscriminately, it can lead to misuse of official authority that entails in violation of human rights. However, I understand that even if police officers have immunity in most cases in respect of action against them, they should not indulge in any activity that may violate the rights of citizens. On the other hand, I also know those hat police officers an explicit responsibility to â€Å"uphold and enforce† laws, in the process of which, sometimes they may not be able to fully comply with principles of protecting the rights of othe rs.

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